Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


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            ACTIVE VOICE → the subject in a sentence is active or the subject is doing something.
In Indonesia grammatical, the characteristic of active voice is prefix by “me-“. And several prefix by “ber”.
Active voice can be transitive or intransitive.
Example :
Transitive verb is the verb needing object. ( buy, bring, tell, give, do, drink, eat, write, etc.)
Intransitive verb is the verb do not need object. ( go, arrive, come, sleep, bleed, cry, etc.)
Example :
-          Marry writes a letter (transitive)
-          My friend eats the fruit (transitive)
-          The child is crying (intransitive)
-          John is sleeping (intransitive)

PASSIVE VOICE →  the subject becomes a target of verb.
In Indonesia grammatical, the characteristic of passive voice is prefix by “di-“ .
How to make active voice to passive voice ?
-          Using transitive verb
-          The Subject in active voice  change  to object in passive voice, and object in active voice change to subject in passive voice.
-          The verb in passive voice must be past participle ( V3 ) which preceded by to be     
  ( is, am, are, was, were, being, been ), following “by” after past participle.

Example :
-          A letter is written by  her.
-          The fruit is eaten by my friend.
-          Etc.
NB :
Active : - Marry writes a letter
                    S         V         O

Passive : A letter is written by Marry
     S            V             O
                                                                Marry : agent


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